Easter Holiday Camps

Easter Holiday Tennis Camps

Full description of Easter Holiday camps and to book select here

This Easter we have lots of tennis options for all ages starting from 4 years old.

Why choose Elliswick this Easter?

At Elliswick you know your children are in a safe environment that they can enjoy their holidays at these great camps. On top of that they will be getting expert tuition to challenge there skills and improve their game. We love seeing the kids have fun but we do not like fun with no purpose. We feel that kids like having a purpose too as it gives them a why to what they are doing. This creates an inner motivation to achieve the goals set on the day and from that a bigger sense of achievement.

About the camps

We have been running successful holiday camps for many years now and work hard to provide a fantastic experience to those who attend. While also proving clear teaching on what we feel will help improve their playing skills on the day.

Each day has a theme, working on Forehand, Backhand, Serve, Volley and Match play. Practising these shots in drills and exercises, then more repetitions achieved through games.

On each day we have two qualified tennis coaches leading the sessions. Ben Wood the head coach at Elliswick is a level 4 tennis coach with over 10 years coaching experience. Rupert Tillbrook is a level 3 tennis coach and full time at Elliswick. Having worked together on holiday camps for the last two years they know what works and can implement this into the sessions to make sure the high standards of the club are met and that there is a high satisfaction rate from the people that attend.

We look forward to seeing you soon, for more details and to book click here or you can contact Ben

Ben Wood

(E) [email protected]

(M) 07817203230