Elliswick LTC Newsletter – November 2022

Dear Members,

Welcome to our November Newsletter.

Thank you to all those who attended the AGM on Saturday the 26th November 2022.  We are pleased to inform you that the AGM went very smoothly, with around 135 members either attending or sending their proxy.  The minutes of the AGM will be emailed to you shortly. We would like to thank you for all your support to make our club thrive and be a healthy and happy place for all members to enjoy.

We are also pleased to announce that the following members have been appointed as the new committee members:

Ladies Captain: Kate Curson

Mens Captain: Jem Collier-Garrity

Mixed Team Captain: Tony Ward

Junior Secretary: Pierre Olivier

Grounds & Maintenance: David Cowan

Social Secretary: Jane Bisseker

Please support them in serving their roles within the club.



Renewal notices for next year will be issued the first week in January. All members over 18 will be sent their own individual invoice (and should be receiving this newsletter). However, they can be forwarded to another family member to pay on their behalf, should you so wish.

If you wish to change your membership to student, country, or non-playing, or to cancel your membership, please let Sally Radcliffe know at [email protected], by the end of December. We will cover changes in age category automatically.



  • A new monobloc tap was installed in the kitchen
  • The gents toilet pan was re-attached to its pipework and sealed back down to the floor. NB: Unlike the old-style pans, it is not bolted to the floor and relies on the silicone adhesive to keep it in place so please treat it with appropriate care!
  • The quote from Chiltern Sports to repair the dip at the end of Court 2 was nearly £6,700. The committee will discuss how to proceed at future meetings.
  • A replacement glass panel has been ordered for the far floodlight on Court 6.
  • The heating has been taken out of holiday mode and is being controlled 24/7, so please keep the clubhouse warm by not leaving any doors open.



Both our Mens and Ladies winter vets are now underway, with some good wins.  Good luck to those who are playing in the cold winter months.

Mixed Team Tennis

The Autumn Datchworth has recently come to a conclusion, and Elliswick has had an excellent season with the first team coming second in the top division, our second team coming second in division 4 and our third team winning division 6.  The second and third teams have both gained promotion.

East Herts leagues continues through to March 2023.

As per AGM announcement, we have a change in the overall mixed captain. Kate Curson is moving across to Ladies Captain and Tony Ward has kindly stepped up to take on the Mixed Captaincy role and will be in touch with relevant captains once a handover has taken place. If you have any comments or feedback with regards to the mixed teams, please do reach out to Tony ([email protected])



Our Saturday night Jazz evening was a huge success.  Louisa (one of our members) sang some beautiful songs with her talented musicians supporting her.  The bar was open, and everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable evening chatting and dancing the night away.

Please make notes of our next Social Events at the club:

Tuesday 6th December from 12pm – Ladies Charity Christmas Lunch.

All lady members are invited to the ladies bring and share a dish Christmas lunch. Please put your name down on the signup sheet, which is posted on the notice board or contact Andree Haxton @ [email protected], if you wish to join us.

Thursday 15th December – A jazz jam evening from 7:30pm – FREE ENTRY

Featuring our talented members Dave Pankhurst and Tim Sutton and their fellow musicians.  The plan is to have the bar open with the music starting around 7.30pm till about 10.30pm. There will be a few Christmassy numbers too. A very casual evening where everyone can arrive whenever they want and stay for half an hour or a few, it’s up to you.

Bacon Rolls on Saturday mornings

If any junior members wish to raise funds, they are very welcome to sell some bacon rolls on Saturday mornings at the club to feed our hungry members after their tennis session.  Please do get in touch with Jane at [email protected], if you need further information.

Our new Social Secretary, Jane Bisseker, will be putting together a calendar of socials and events in January 2023 so if anyone has any ideas or wishes to organise an event please get in touch with her at [email protected].

Lost Property Boxes

Please look through the lost property boxes (clothing, racquets, water bottles) in the clubhouse as the boxes will be emptied at the end of next week and the contents will be given to a local charity.


One of our members, Angela Perry, is asking for donations of warm winter clothing for 180 male asylum seekers based at the Holiday Inn, Markyate, who are fleeing war, oppression, imprisonment and torture from many different parts of the world. Many of their stories are heart-breaking, and many bear the physical and mental scars of their experiences. Angela is very happy to collect directly from you. For more information, please contact Angela at [email protected].

Until the next newsletter, we wish you a very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas. Fingers crossed that the good weather may continue so that we can keep ourselves fit by playing more tennis.


Kind Regards

Elliswick LTC Committee


PS, Don’t forget to keep up to date with events at our website http://www.elliswickltc.co.uk and follow our Facebook page as well.